Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Look What I got

Look what was in my order from Kars, certainly did not order this, and he is dressed as Scooby Doo!!!!

Hee Hee, don't kids love to play in boxes

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Have spent the past few days in Skye visiting my in laws, the night before Roz and I were finalising everything for the retreat at Lockerbie, ouch my Credit Card is sore! and we got home really late. Then my DH reminded me it was his dad's 80th the next day so could I make a card in the morning, yeh no plroblem!!!!
Anyway we set off and my 2 dogs were sick, sick and more sick, at one time they were sick at the same time.
We eventually arrived about dinner time on the Thursday, fed the kids and they went to bed.
Friday was a lovely day and Lauren and I went for a 2 hour treck, Lauren is 6 and goes to riding lessons but has not been out without being lead. She was on a lovely little horse called Megan, I was in a big brute called Fergus (aka Piggy)
We set out with Lauren being lead, but my horse piggy kept stopping to eat every 2 seconds and was so strong I was struggling to control him, so I ended up being lead and Lauren was on her own!
I am so so proud of her, she handled her horse like a little star and trotted on her own. She was so pleased!!
After we had lunch together and then DH came and picked us up.
Now I am still sooooooo sore!!!!!!!!!!
When we travelled home yesterday only one of my dogs were sick, so that was good.

Anyway am going now, few orders to process and stuff to sort for the retreat


Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Not long to go until the retreat, and we are getting there!!
Tomorrow I need to call my suppliers with a couple of last minute orders and then price them, have a few on the way so hope DH is not around when the couriers arrive! hee hee
I actually bought something for myself today, a shiney new Artbin Tote, I normally carry my cropping goodies in a plastic box, well no more.

We tried tonight to get Gordon to go to sleep without a dummy, he will be 5 in March so it is about time he was giving it up, but come 10.30 he was still awake and crying and DH gave in, so he is now sound asleep with a dummy in his mouth (Gordon that is, not DH)

As my parents are away on holiday just now, I have their dog, so now have 3 papillons in the house, and last night we kept my friend's dog a King Charle's Spaniel, normally my dog Sophie barks constantly at him, but after 5 mins she stopped, thank goodness!!!!! So I had a house full of dogs LOL

Anyway am away to sort out some more paperwork and get to bed


Sunday, October 15, 2006


OK firstly sorry for not updating for soooooo long, how bad am I????

DH and I came back from holiday recently, we went to Lanzarote without our kids for a week, and my parents stayed here to watch them, so we came back to the grass nicely cut and a v clean house. I should go away more often LOL !!!!

We have also been busy organinsing the retreat for the Luxurious Angels, am panicking now that they will enjoy it and realise how much hard work it has actually been
Roz and I have spent many a late night packing class kits and building the LA web site, watch this space!!!!!
The retreat is drawing nearer and I am looking forward to meeting all the Angels and of course the other 2 fabby teachers: Kirsty and Anna
We are also working on the retreat for March and have a few things lined up already!!!

My kids are now on holiday for a week, so we are making a flying visit to Skye for a couple of days, where my in laws stay. When we are there Lauren and I are going horse riding for a 2 hour treck, am so looking forward to it!

OK enough chat from me, I am away to price more goodies and kiss my wee boy

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