Am going to try and keep this up to date.
Did another layout the other night, OMG 2 in 1 week!!!
We are now half way through the first week of the school holidays, the weather has been not too bad, so the kids have been out playing all the time and coming in filthy, the seem to be right little dirt magnets. And their favourite hobby is climbing trees.
Am going to take them to get their school uniforms tomorrow, have got jumpers and polo shirts already, so just need trousers. Shoes can wait till we come back from holiday.
And I have been tagged, thanks
RattytattySo here goes - 7 things about me
1. I have 2 adorable (if dirty) kids, Lauren is 7 and Gordon is 5. I love them to bits
2. I got engaged after 6 weeks of meeting my DH, we have now been married nearly 17 years
3. My car is manky inside (time for a clear out me thinks)
4. I have 2 little papillons, Emma is 2, Sophie is 18 months
5. Both dogs sleep in bed with us
6. In a fortnight, we are flying off on holiday for 2 weeks
7. I would love to have more hours in my day
OK I am away to tag
HeatherCalSarahSuzanneMaggieSara-JaneBye for now