Well that is the first week of the holidays gone, er where exactly??? It has just flown by.
Kids have been busy playing (between rain showers), Gordon's record this week was 4 pairs of shorts in one day, he can't seem to keep away from puddles, lol!
On Friday Lauren went to the pictures with her friend and then they had a sleepover here, and Saturday I took them both to the stables for the day, Lauren is still sleeping which is really not like her.
I have a busy few days before we go on holiday on Wednesday, today need to go to East Kilbride for few bits and pieces, tonight we have friends over for dinner. Tomorrow night our Financial adviser is over to see us and Tuesday will be spent doing last minute packing for us going.
Really looking forward to this holiday, in all it's not been a great year with my grampa not being well and being admitted to hospital and then him passing away. He was such a lovely man, and always there when I needed him, he was like a second dad to me. My hubby's cousin also passed away and together with everything else has made this a not so wonderful year.
Anyway I leave you with a pic of a wee quote book I made Gordon's teacher.