Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yes I know......

I am a bad blogger!

This week has just been so busy, loads of new scrummy stash (of which Gordon has his eye on - so far we have a Kaiser tree to do, a Kaiser skull book, Twiddleybitz advent calendar and sleigh and he wanted each of the Maya Road houses!!)

Wait till you see this

How fab is that, and on the way!! I am going to have fun doing that! We also have a sleigh on order too - yummy!

We also have Life at the Pole now in stock - away to make up a wee kit from those now - this paper is my favourite

Must go million things to do, but someone mentioned that I was a bad bloggger (naming no names) away to see when she last updated here, lol!

1 comment:

Linda said...

That house is gorgeous!!!!!!

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